Stiri Impersonare

Tocmai am aflat de cineva care foloseste adresa pentru a impersona, trimitand mesaje precum cel de mai jos catre unele Universitati:

In atentia conducatorului institutiei, Decan/Rector,
In atentia autorilor,

Specialistii nostri ne-au semnalat urmatoarele cazuri de plagiat in institutia dumneavoastra:
Cazul va fi semnalat si pe site-ul nostru,

Un mesaj primit de la un Decan de Facultate al Universitatii Stefan cel Mare, Suceava, Romania: . . .

Stiri lanseaza Interact (beta): Acum poti, si este usor!

Recunoscand nevoia de o crestere a transparentei, accesibilitatii si impactului, azi lanseaza Interact (beta), cu un prim val de facilitati proiectate pe ideea de comunitate: acum poti sa participi direct si usor la rezolvarea tuturor cazurilor de (presupuse) abateri de pe!

Expertii din domeniu care furnizeaza recenziile sunt in continuare punctul forte al platformei Integru, dar cea mai mare parte a muncii necesara rezolvarii unui caz se efectueaza altundeva, de catre multe persoane independente: cautarea expertilor potriviti din domeniu si invitarea lor sa participe sunt doua din cele mai grele sarcini. Evidentierea pasajelor si anotarea documentelor este un alt monstru.

Ideea e simpla: Oricine – literalmente oricine – cu acces la internet, de la publicul larg la cel mai faimos cercetator, poate acum sa participe usor si este incurajat calduros sa o faca! . . .

Stiri Autorii din Recenzia 8, incluzand ministrul cercetarii Ecaterina Andronescu, sanctionati international pe termen lung pentru abatere de la conduita academica

Dupa cum a informat neoficial si indirect Editorul Sef al jurnalului Journal of the European Ceramic Society, jurnalul a luat masuri de lunga durata impotriva autorilor din cadrul Recenzia 8: A. Ioachim, Ecaterina Andronescu (ministrul cercetarii) et al – serie de 4 articole, plagiat, autoplagiat si posibile incalcari multiple ale drepturilor de autor. Detaliile specifice ale sanctiunilor nu sunt oferite la cererea Editorului Sef al jurnalului . . .

Stiri featured again in Nature: Suspend Disbelief!

In this week’s editorial, Nature suggests to suspend disbelief. That is also our message to the public.

A general summary of the past few months is made, reminding of the Prime Minister and three Ministers of Research involved in plagiarism. They speak about the importance of the exposed scientific misconduct and the possible effect on public perception. . . .

Stiri Response to Ministry’s second press release

You should also read: Response from Experts and on Ministry’s first press release

The Ministry of Education and Research issued another press release, this time regarding the misconduct Review 008 and the B1 TV show which discussed it at great length. We shall not comment on all the Ministry’s arguments related to the misconduct because most were already covered by 4 experts on Sunday.

As was the case with the previous press release, we underline that it was not the Ministry, a state institution, involved in these misconducts of plagiarism and suspected copyright violation, but the persons A.C. Nechifor, A. Ioachim, E. Andronescu et al. In total, 12 persons . . .

Stiri Response from experts and to Ministry’s press release from yesterday + Another expert answers in Review 6

You should also read: Response to Ministry’s second press release

Emeritus Professor Ian J. Bruce (University of Kent, UK) has just offered his review for yesterday’s plagiarism case of Nechifor and Andronescu. Inline with the previous 6 reviews, Prof Bruce also found that the paper constitutes “gross professional misconduct on the part of Nechifor and Andronescu”.

Yesterday, the Ministry issued a press release (local copy in English and Romanian) with regards to the plagiarism of Nechifor and Andronescu. Although it was not the Ministry as an institution involved in plagiarism, but the persons Nechifor and Andronescu as scientific authors, the letter is signed by the Ministry, not by Nechifor or Andronescu. The Ministry also issued this press release without undertaking any formal investigation into the matter . . .

Stiri now on Facebook … and a new case to be published tomorrow 8:00 am GMT, featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Please spread the word:

As the title says, a new case will be published tomorrow morning, 10:00 am Romania Time, (8:00 am GMT), this case will be featured exclusively in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, yet the Romanian press should not be neglected.

[UPDATE] The Frankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung article is here and the English translation here . . .

Stiri More experts review Victor Ponta’s plagiarism

In addition to the existing reviews of the plagiarism case of Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s PhD thesis, we have received three reviews from Dr Grigore Pop-Eleches (Princeton), Dr Alin Fumurescu (Tulane) and Prof Maria Bucur (Indiana).

The reviews can be found on the dedicated case webpage and are also included below.

We welcome new reviews for this case, which could be sent via our contact page . . .

Stiri launch featured in Nature and the press

Owing primarily to the article in Nature, the Integru initiative has been featured in a long number of newspapers and blogs on the same or next day of our public launching last week on Aug 15. On the following day we received a great number of messages with congratulations (thank you!) and were informed about 6 more cases of suspected plagiarism.

Below is only a subset extracted from Google Analytics (and excluding personal blogs).

The Nature article: . . .