Review 8 authors, including research minister Ecaterina Andronescu, receive long-term international sanctions for academic misconduct

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As unofficially and indirectly informed by the Chief Editor of the European Ceramic Society, the journal has implemented long-term sanctions for all authors – including minister Ecaterina Andronescu – from the Review 8: A. Ioachim, Ecaterina Andronescu (research minister) et al – series of 4 articles, plagiarism, self-plagiarism and suspected multiple copyright violations. The specifics of the sanctions are not being revealed at the request of the journal’s Chief Editor.

One comment

  1. Speram sa vad si o interdictie la aparitiile TV ale doamnei Plagiatorica care la un moment dat s-au mai rarit. De curind a re-aparut “pe sticla” cu aceeasi nesimtire pe care i-o stiam din perioadele in care a fost ministru. Ultima perioada de ministeriat a avut consecinte nefaste. Poate va convingeti daca cititi interviul in patru parti al lui Mircea Micle in revista 22 sau daca cititi

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