Prof Andrew Galloway

Despre Prof Andrew Galloway

Andrew Galloway has been a member of Cornell University’s English Department since receiving his PhD from U. C. Berkeley in 1991. He has written numerous essays on medieval English, Latin, and French literature and culture from the tenth to the fifteenth century, especially Piers Plowman, Chaucer’s poetry, Gower’s poetry, and their fifteenth-century followers, as well as essays on medieval historical writing such as a chapter in the Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature (2002) and, recently, entries for the Brill Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. For seven years he edited the annual volumes of The Yearbook of Langland Studies, and he provided the translations of the Latin verses and glosses for the new 3-volume edition of Gower’s Confessio Amantis by Russell Peck (2000-2005). His monographs include The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman: Volume 1 (2006), and the short introductory monograph Medieval Literature and Culture (2006); later this year will appear under his editorship The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Culture. He is currently working on other edited volumes plus studies on medieval ideas of need, medieval dream visions, London literature, Gower’s uses of classical literature, and a history of Middle English literature.

Opinii Cultura disertatiilor plagiate din Romania: Indemn la ancheta in stiintele socio-umane—si altele?

Prof Andrew Galloway

Cazurile de mare notorietate ale disertatiilor plagiate prezentate recent pe Integru si in alte locuri sunt in mod tipic din domenii unde este implicat un nivel ridicat de putere profesionala si sociala, precum stiintele si economia. Dar care sunt problemele din domeniile umaniste? Aceste cazuri nu pot fi ignorate. Standardele nu ar trebui sa fie diferite fata de cele din stiinte sau alte domenii. Daca spunem ca plagiatorii din domeniile umaniste merita putin mai multa compasiune pentru ca cei care au obtinut doctorate in aceste domenii au sanse mai mici sa obtina pozitii de importanta mare din punct de vedere politic sau economic, atunci pur si simplu adoptam marginalizarea domeniilor umaniste care exista in general in cultura moderna. Umanistii merita cel putin aceleasi standarde ca ceilalti. Lor li se poate chiar atribui inventarea acestor standarde. Un exemplu in acest sens il reprezinta eforturile filologilor si scriitorilor din perioada Renasterii care au incercat sa defineasca lucrarile autorilor antici, considerate canonice in prezent, ca fiind distincte fata de numeroasele lucrari prezentate de scriitori medievali ca fiind autentice, dar care prezinta copii mai mult sau mai putin intentionate ale lucrarilor antice . . .