David Tománek studied Physics in Switzerland and received his Ph.D. from the Free University in Berlin. While holding a position as Assistant Professor of Physics in Berlin, he got engaged in theoretical research in Nanostructures at the AT&T Bell Laboratories and the University of California at Berkeley. He established the field of Computational Nanotechnology at Michigan State University, where he holds a position as Full Professor of Physics. His scientific expertise lies in the development and application of numerical techniques for structural, electronic and optical properties of surfaces, low-dimensional systems and nanostructures. Since he was working on his Ph.D. Thesis, he promoted the use of computer simulations to understand atomic-level processes at surfaces and in atomic clusters. Witnessed in several hundred publications and invited talks are his results on the electronic structure, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties, as well as quantum conductance of nanostructures. His contributions to Computational Nanotechnology, in particular in the field of fullerenes and nanotubes, have been rewarded by a Fellowship of the American Physical Society, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation Distinguished Senior Scientist Award and the Japan Carbon Award for Life-Time Achievement. |
David Tománek studied Physics in Switzerland and received his Ph.D. from the Free University in Berlin. While holding a position as Assistant Profess . . .
In timp ce majoritatea oamenilor de stiinta beneficiaza pe drept de o reputatie favorabila, unii au folosit-o in mod gresit pentru a-si atrage beneficii personale.Nerespectarea normelor etice este frecvent judecata in mod gresit ca o incalcare pur academica, cu impact minim asupra societatii. In realitate, nu exista o diferenta fundamentala intre falsificarea datelor si falsificarea bancnotelor, intre asumarea titlului de autor asupra rezultatelor altei persoane si asumarea titlului de proprietar asupra masinii altei persoane. Doar incalcarile de tipul al doilea sunt urmarile in justitie si pedepsite prin lege. Deci depinde de comunitatea stiintifica sa ia act si sa se protejeze de comportamentul necinstit, inclusiv frauda si plagierea. Este necesara actiunea decisiva pentru a preveni ciuma plagierii si a altor forme de nerespectare a normelor etice din domeniul academic de a se extinde si infecta fantana de cunostinte umane.
Misiunea Integru.org este sa scoata la lumina cazuri ascunse de nerespectare a normelor etice in domeniul academic si sa-i protejeze pe cei afectati. Comunicarea deschisa prin diferite canale media ajuta in sensul asigurarii faptului ca datele stiintifice publicate care sunt descoperite ca reprezentand un fals sau plagiat sa fie excluse din literatura stiintifica. Faptasii pierd respectul celorlalti si, in functie de gravitatea si extinderea faptei, sunt exclusi din comunitatea stiintifica. Acest lucru in sine este o unealta eficienta impotriva tentatiilor de a compromite integritatea stiintifica.
Boala contagioasa a necinstei stiintifice s-a extins in mod diferit in functie de tara si cultura. Necinstea, plagierea si falsificarea datelor, protejate sunt mantia corectitudinii politice, par sa infloreasca cu precadere in regimurile totalitare. In Romania, ca exemplu proeminent, aceasta mostenire lasata de trecutul comunist posteritatii pare sa supravietuiasca si sa polueze procesul politic de azi.
In cele mai bune lumi, nu va fi nevoie de protejarea integritatii stiintifice si a beneficiilor pe care aceasta le aduce societatii noastre. Pana atunci, exista Integru.org.
Prof David Tomanek
Michigan State University